31 Maret 2022

Dukung Perkembangan Industri Otomotif Tanah Air, Bridgestone Jadi Official Tire Partner IIMS Hybrid 2022

•    Bridgestone Indonesia tahun ini kembali ikut memeriahkan ajang pameran otomotif Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid 2022

•    Sebagai Official Tire Partner IIMS Hybrid 2022, keikutsertaan Bridgestone Indonesia merupakan  komitmen dukungan bagi perkembangan dunia otomotif tanah air

•    Bridgestone Indonesia menghadirkan line up produk premium serta beragam promo menarik di IIMS Hybrid 2022


Jakarta, (31 Maret 2022) - PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia (Bridgestone Indonesia), bagian dari Bridgestone Corporation pemimpin global dalam Layanan Mobilitas Berkelanjutan dan Solusi Tingkat Tinggi, tahun ini kembali ikut memeriahkan salah satu ajang pameran otomotif terbesar di tanah air, Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid 2022 yang berlangsung 31 Maret-10 April, di JI Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta. 

Sebagai Official Tire Partner IIMS Hybrid 2022, keikutsertaan Bridgestone Indonesia di ajang ini merupakan salah satu bentuk komitmen dukungan Bridgestone bagi perkembangan dunia otomotif tanah air.

“Kami berharap, dengan diselenggarakannya IIMS Hybrid 2022, akan dapat menjadi pemicu kembali bergairahnya industri otomotif di tanah air. Meski pandemi belum benar-benar berakhir, tapi tentu kita harus terus optimis. Bridgestone sendiri terus mendukung pemerintah dalam memperkuat herd immunity dengan menyelenggarakan vaksinasi di lingkungan Perusahaan, termasuk vaksinasi booster baru-baru ini. Untuk itu keikutsertaan Bridgestone dalam ajang ini memiliki arti sangat penting sebagai keyakinan kami bahwa Indonesia dapat “recover together serta recover stronger” seiring dengan tema G20 di Indonesia”, kata Presiden Direktur PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Mukiat Sutikno.

Terus berinovasi melalui produk-produk ban dengan teknologi terdepan, sesuai dengan misi “Serving Society with Superior Quality” Bridgestone Indonesia di IIMS Hybrid 2022 menghadirkan line up produk-produk ban premium terbaiknya, mulai dari varian ban untuk SUV line up seperti  Dueler M/T 674, Dueler A/T 697, Dueler H/T 684, dan ban yang ditujukan khusus untuk SUV premium  yaitu Alenza 001, sampai ban premium untuk segmen mobil penumpang yaitu Potenza S007A, Turanza T005A sampai ban eco friendly-nya Ecopia EP150.

 “Untuk memudahkan para pengunjung mendapatkan informasi yang menyeluruh terkait produk ban kami, pada masing-masing produk ditempelkan features QR Code yang dapat di-scan dan langsung menuju pada website resmi Bridgestone Indonesia. Di mana akan tersedia infromasi terkait produk serta kendaraan yang sesuai serta informasi ukuran ban, dll,” terang Mukiat.

Satu lagi yang menarik, di IIMS Hybrid 2022 Bridgestone Indonesia juga menghadirkan Lunar Cruiser, sebuah video yang menceritakan teknologi terbaru dari Bridgestone yang dapat menciptakan ban khusus untuk berjalan di atas permukaan bulan, sebagai bukti bahwa Bridgestone terus melakukan inovasi dimana safety and quality merupakan komitmen utama  Bridgestone untuk menjadi solusi mobilitas masyarakat di manapun mereka berada.

Tak hanya menghadirkan produk-produk premium terbaik, Bridgestone juga menawarkan berbagai promo menarik bagi para konsumen Bridgestone di IIMS Hybrid 2022. Selain itu, para pengunjung booth,  juga berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan berbagai merchandise atau souvenir menarik dari Bridgestone. Bahkan untuk lebih memudahkan transaksi konsumen, terdapat cicilan bunga 0% dari bank-bank yang bekerjasama dengan Bridgestone pada ajang IIMS 2022 ini.

Mengembangkan sayap bisnisnya di Indonesia sejak 1976, saat ini Bridgestone Indonesia telah memiliki dua pabrik ban yang berlokasi di Bekasi dan Karawang, dengan didukung lebih dari 3.300 tenaga kerja lokal. 

Di Indonesia, dari sisi layanan produk Bridgestone Indonesia dipasarkan melalui distributor dan lebih dari 350 jaringan retail resmi seperti Bridgestone Toko Model, Bridgestone One Stop Service, Bridgestone Truck Tire Centre dan 1.500 jaringan toko lainnya di seluruh Indonesia. Setiap retail Bridgestone juga dipastikan menerapkan standar kualitas layanan terjamin dengan peralatan modern serta didukung staf dan mekanik profesional yang disertifikasi oleh Bridgestone Indonesia melalui pusat pelatihan terpadu yaitu Bridgestone Indonesia Education Center. Dengan keunggulan produk dan jaringan layanan ini Bridgestone berharap dapat terus dipoercaya oleh konsumen Indonesia dari generasi ke generasi.



Support the Revival of the Indonesian Automotive Industry, Bridgestone Becomes Official Tire Partner of IIMS Hybrid 2022


•    This year, Bridgestone Indonesia is enlivening the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid 2022.

•    As the Official Tire Partner of IIMS Hybrid 2022, Bridgestone Indonesia's participation is a commitment to support the development of the Indonesian automotive industry.

•    Bridgestone Indonesia presents a line up of premium products as well as various attractive promos at IIMS Hybrid 2022.


Jakarta, (31 March 2022) - PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia (Bridgestone Indonesia), a subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation, a global leader in sustainable mobility and advanced solutions, this year enlivening one of the largest automotive exhibitions in the country, the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) Hybrid 2022 which will take place from March 31 to April 10, at JI Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta.

As the Official Tire Partner of IIMS Hybrid 2022, Bridgestone Indonesia's participation in this event is a form of Bridgestone's commitment to support for the development of the Indonesian automotive industry.

"We hope that by holding the IIMS Hybrid 2022, it will be able to trigger the enthusiasm of the automotive industry in Indonesia. Although the pandemic is not completely over, of course we must continue to be optimistic. Bridgestone itself continues to support the government in strengthening herd immunity by organizing vaccinations within the Company, including the recent booster vaccination. For this reason, Bridgestone's participation in this event has a very important meaning as our belief that Indonesia can "recover together and recover stronger" in line with the G20 theme in Indonesia," said President Director of PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Mukiat Sutikno.

Continuing to innovate through tire products with leading technology, in accordance with Bridgestone’s mission  "Serving Society with Superior Quality", at IIMS Hybrid 2022, Bridgestone is presenting a line up of the best premium tire products, ranging from tire variants to SUV line ups such as the Dueler M/T. 674, Dueler A/T 697, Dueler H/T 684, and tires specifically designed for premium SUVs, namely Alenza 001, to premium tires for the passenger car segment, namely Potenza S007A, Turanza T005A to eco friendly tires Ecopia EP150.

 “To make it easier for visitors to get comprehensive information regarding our tire products, each product is attached with a QR Code feature that can be scanned and go directly to Bridgestone Indonesia's official website. Where will be available information related to products and suitable vehicles as well as tire size information, etc., "explained Mukiat.

One more thing that is interesting, at the IIMS Hybrid 2022 Bridgestone Indonesia also presents the Lunar Cruiser, a video that tells the latest technology from Bridgestone that can create special tires to run on the lunar surface, as proof that Bridgestone continues to innovate where safety and quality are the main commitments. Bridgestone to be a mobility solution for people wherever they are.

Not only presenting the best premium products, Bridgestone also offers various attractive promos for consumers at IIMS Hybrid 2022. In addition, booth visitors also have the opportunity to get various attractive merchandise or souvenirs from Bridgestone. Even to make consumer transactions easier, there are 0% installments from banks that collaborate with Bridgestone at the IIMS 2022 event.

Expanding its business in Indonesia since 1976, Bridgestone Indonesia currently has two factories located in Bekasi and Karawang, supported by more than 3,300 local workers.

In Indonesia, in terms of service, Bridgestone Indonesia products are marketed through distributors and more than 350 authorized retail networks such as Bridgestone Toko Model, Bridgestone One Stop Service, Bridgestone Truck Tire Center and 1,500 other store chains throughout Indonesia. Each Bridgestone retailer is also ensured to apply guaranteed service quality standards with modern equipment and is supported by professional staff and mechanics certified by Bridgestone Indonesia through an integrated training center, the Bridgestone Indonesia Education Center. With the advantages of this product and service network, Bridgestone hopes to continue to be trusted by Indonesian consumers from generation to generation.



Profil Pabrik Bridgestone Tire Indonesia

Pabrik Bekasi :
Berdiri                : 1974
Ukuran               : 197,882 M2
Manager pabrik   : Mr Kouichi Ikeshima
Alamat               : Jl Raya Bekasi Km.27, Kel. Harapan Jaya – Pondok Ungu, Bekasi
Fasilitas              : Pabrik, Kantin, Pusat Olahraga, Koperasi, Gudang Ban, WWTP (Water Wast Treatment Process), WTP (Water Treatment Process)

Pabrik Karawang :
Berdiri              : 1999
Ukuran             : 326,000 M2
Manager pabrik : Mr Rachmat Susetyo
Alamat             : Jl Surya Utama Kav 8-13, Kawasan Industri Suryacipta,Karawang
Fasilitas            : Pabrik, Kantin, Pusat Olahraga, Koperasi, Gudang Ban, WWTP (Water Waste Treatment Process), WTP (Water Treatment Process), Lapangan Uji dan Pusat Pendidikan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi:

PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
Corporate Communications Department

P : +62 267 863 7921 – 863 7922
F : +62 267 863 7923 – 863 7924