Code of Conduct
Bridgestone Global Anti-Bribery Policy
The Bridgestone Anti-Bribery Policy reaffirms and expands on Bridgestone’s stance against bribery and corruption as described in the Code of Conduct. The Anti-Bribery Policy is intended to provide practical guidance and describes Bridgestone’s requirements regarding the prevention of bribery and how to address bribery risks. It applies to employees of all Bridgestone companies across the globe, including joint ventures that we control, and any third party acting on Bridgestone’s behalf. With the launch of the Policy, we have taken another important step in our endeavour to build and sustain a best in class compliance program and support our culture of integrity in everything we do at Bridgestone. We thank you for your ongoing commitment and support. By working together, we will continue Serving Society with Superior Quality.

Bridgestone Code of Conduct
The Bridgestone Code of Conduct was developed with the company’s other foundational documents in mind and is intended to provide practical guidance for handling many ethical issues. The rules and expectations set forth in this Code of Conduct not only apply to all Bridgestone employees worldwide, they also serve as a set of expectations for the suppliers and contractors who work with us. By learning and following the principles in the Code of Conduct, Bridgestone will continue to earn the trust of our customers and communities and take pride in our company and coworkers across the globe.