16 Juli 2019

2019 | Perluas Jaringan, Bridgestone Resmikan Jaringan One Stop Service di Depok

Depok, 16 Juli 2019 – PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia, sebagai bagian dari Bridgestone Corporation, perusahaan produsen karet dan ban terkemuka di dunia, terus memperluas jaringan layanan purnajual unggulan mereka, Bridgestone One Stop Services di Indonesia. Yang terbaru, Bridgestone One Stop Service keempat di Indonesia dibuka di Depok, Jawa Barat pada Sabtu 13 Juli 2019 lalu.

Outlet Bridgestone One Stop Service Depok ini menawarkan konsep yang lebih lengkap dan modern, baik dari segi penampilan, fasilitas dan layanan. Konsep berbeda dari Bridgestone One Stop Service ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengalaman yang lengkap bagi setiap pengemudi yang ingin mengganti ban sejak mereka keluar dari kendaraannya.

“Pasar otomotif yang semakin besar turut membuat pasar ban juga terus berkembang termasuk layanan purnajualnya. Bridgestone One Stop Service merupakan hasil pengembangan atas dasar penelitian akan kebutuhan konsumen saat ini dan di masa mendatang terhadap toko ban di Indonesia. Ini adalah jaringan resmi Bridgestone Indonesia yang dikembangkan untuk memberikan “Effortless Shopping Experience” melalui “One Stop Service” bagi konsumen di Indonesia untuk memberikan “customer satisfaction” bagi konsumen di Indonesia,” jelas Yuichi Asaoka, Marketing Director Bridgestone Indonesia.

Bridgestone One Stop Service Depok ini sebelumnya merupakan Toko Model sejak 1996 yang kini berevolusi menjadi Bridgestone One Stop Service. Outlet dengan luas total 1,300 meter persegi ini tak hanya menyediakan berbagai pilihan produk Bridgestone, baterai, oli, aksesoris, dan pelek, tetapi juga menyediakan berbagai pelayanan lainnya seperti perawatan ban (Rotasi, Balancing, Spooring, Repair). Selain itu, Bridgestone One Stop Service juga menjanjikan pengalaman tak terlupakan bagi pelanggan Bridgestone yang datang, antara lain dengan ruang tunggu nyaman berpendingin udara, area bermain anak, display ban yang rapi serta katalog ban yang ditampilkan di televisi layar lebar.



Extending the Network, Bridgestone Inaugurates The New One Stop Service Network in Depok

Depok, 15 July 2019 – PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia (Bridgestone Indonesia), a group company of Bridgestone Corporation, the world’s leading rubber and tire company, continue to expand their flagship after-sales service network, Bridgestone One Stop Services in Indonesia. Most recently, the fourth Bridgestone One Stop Service in Indonesia was officially opened in Depok, West Java on Saturday, July 13, 2019.

This Bridgestone One Stop Service outlet in Indonesia offers a more complete and modern concept, both in terms of appearance, facilities and services. The distinguished concept of the shop aims to provide a complete customer experience for any driver who wishes to change their tires from the moment they step out of their vehicle.  

"The growing automotive market has also contributed to the growing tire market, including after-sales services. Bridgestone One Stop Service is the result of the development based on in-depth study of current and future consumer needs for tire shops in Indonesia. This is the official network of Bridgestone Indonesia, which is developed to provide "Effortless Shopping Experience" through "One Stop Service" for consumers in Indonesia to provide "customer satisfaction", said Yuichi Asaoka, Marketing Director of Bridgestone Indonesia.

The Bridgestone One Stop Service Depok was previously a Toko Model (TOMO) since 1996 which has now developed into a Bridgestone One Stop Service. This outlet with a total area of 1.300 square meters, not only provides a wide selection of Bridgestone products, batteries, oils, accessories and rims, but also provides a variety of other services such as tire maintenance (Rotation, Balancing, Spooring, Repair). In addition, Bridgestone One Stop Service also promises unforgettable experiences for customers, including the comfortable air-cooled waiting room, children's play area, attractive tire display and tire catalog displayed on widescreen televisions.



Profil Pabrik Bridgestone Tire Indonesia

Pabrik Bekasi :
Berdiri                : 1974
Ukuran               : 197,882 M2
Manager pabrik   : Mr Hendriyus
Alamat               : Jl Raya Bekasi Km.27, Kel. Harapan Jaya – Pondok Ungu, Bekasi
Fasilitas              : Pabrik, Kantin, Pusat Olahraga, Koperasi, Gudang Ban, WWTP (Water Wast Treatment Process), WTP (Water Treatment Process)

Pabrik Karawang :
Berdiri              : 1999
Ukuran             : 326,000 M2
Manager pabrik : Mr Andre Susilo
Alamat             : Jl Surya Utama Kav 8-13, Kawasan Industri Suryacipta,Karawang
Fasilitas            : Pabrik, Kantin, Pusat Olahraga, Koperasi, Gudang Ban, WWTP (Water Waste Treatment Process), WTP (Water Treatment Process), Lapangan Uji dan Pusat Pendidikan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi:

PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
Corporate Communications Department

P : +62 267 863 7921 – 863 7922
F : +62 267 863 7923 – 863 7924